Welcome to Queerousal!
This is a new sex blogging linkup by LGBT+ people, for LGBT+ people, and celebrating LGBT+ content. It’s open to anyone who identifies as part of the queer/LGBT+ community, including asexuals, aromantics, and people in “straight passing” relationships. We welcome posts from kinky and poly queers (as well as vanilla and monogamous ones), but being kinky or poly doed not in itself make you LGBT+
The linkup is open to articles, photography, erotica, poetry, whatever you want to create! As long as it’s by an LGBT+ writer, and the content relates in some way to queerness you’re welcome to share it here.
This is a linkup for explicit consensual content. Posts about non-consensual activities, including bestiality and paedophilia will not be tolerated.
Don’t be a dick, whether it’s in the posts you link here, elsewhere on your blog, or on your social media. Bloggers who display bigotry will have their posts deleted and be asked not to take part as long as this behaviour continues. This includes judgement or shaming on the basis of:
- Race
- Religion
- Age
- Kink
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Body type
- Disability
- Sex work
To take part include the Queerousal logo in your post, and link back to this page, and when you publish you post share on the linkup below so other people can see your work! The linkup will run until 5th November, and at the end there will be a roundup where I pick some favourites posts and talk about why I love them. Please take the time to read other peoples work, and if you like something then comment on it!
If you have any questions please ask me!

I wrote this story as part of Queerousal (and am now doing my very first linkup, so please let me know if I’ve somehow misstepped)! Hope you enjoy. 🙂
You need to use the “add link” button at the bottom of the white inlinkz box xD