Trans Joy – Nail Polish

I don’t paint my nails that often at the moment. Like many people I’m struggling with motivation to get dressed up. It’s been all too easy to let things slide when I can’t go out to meet people and show off my aesthetic. And then I look up and realise I haven’t painted my nails in months. When I brushed on the first coat I was reminded why I love nail polish.

I love the way it brings a subtle accent to my aesthetic. A flash of colour popping off against my clothes. A splash of colour which draws attention to my hands and highlights their movements. A little hint of queer magic which can enchant and draw people in.

Above all though, it’s another little way to carry my transness with me. When I catch my colourful nails from the corner of my eyes I get a little thrill. A flash of gender euphoria which puts a smile on my lips and a spring in my step. When I look at this picture I see a glamorous queer, something I never dared dream of when I was younger. It encapsulates a freedom, a feeling of being at home in my body which I never expected.

Trans Joy is a blog series celebrating the positive side of trans experiences, in an attempt to bring some balance to contemporary trans discourses.  If you want to contribute to this project then please get in touch. If you want to support the project you can order a zine here.

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